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Come and sing with us!

Below you find a beautiful summary of a lot of songs, that you might know already or you can get curious about new ones.

Abre la puerta
00:00 / 03:29
Children of the Earth Tribe
00:00 / 02:48
So Ham
00:00 / 04:05
Roots so deep
00:00 / 02:34
My joy
00:00 / 02:46
We shall be known
00:00 / 03:43
This Love will carry
00:00 / 02:28

Dedication to dance​​

Every free minute we celebrate life with dance …
as dance helps us to move, to integrate, to breathe. It refreshes our capacity to be within our bodies.


You joined an expanded network of change makers, exponential possibilities, refined database of passionate people. Seeds of this transformative culture.

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An extra week has been added to our program for networking and co-creation with our alumni we call the Growing Together Days. Much of Creating a Transformative Culture cannot be seen and its power is like that of the underground mycelium network. Though mycelium stays hidden, outside the spotlight, it’s one of nature’s most essential tools for maintaining a balanced ecosystem. We weave our threads together to support one another and strengthen our fantasies of future possibilities with real connections.

Come join us!


We make every effort possible to give you all the tools and the skills needed to create an intentional community. We are nestled in castle Glarisegg in a community, which is founded in 2003. Since the start of this community it was clear, that no one will be our guru oder leader. People do have different competencies, capacities and interests - this is very important to be respected, tolerated and integrated. Every community member is most valuable, if it/he/she can come into its best potential, by learning all the offers, which life gives in community.


Krissy Goecks,

“EDE taught me that there are many options on how to live life. Mindfulness, community and giving back to others were wonderful lessons I learned in my month at Glarisegg.”


Iker Col,

“At the EDE I discovered that there is a network much bigger than I was thinking. I learned the tools to join our forces, to live more in harmony and to be more human. The EDE was like a meeting of tribes that have to join to heal the planet.”


Tayla Antunes,

¨I ended up learning much more about myself, my limits... But also about my strengths. And the best part: learning and sharing with so many like minded people, overcoming our differences, working on the conflicts (internal as well). Working throughout the whole month with  a sociocratical organisation  was one of the best highlights.“


Konstantinos Sbonias,

"The EDE in Glarisegg was such a vibrant learning journey that fueled me with loads of empowerment and inspiration. Feeling blessed for having experienced 5 unique weeks of intensive learning with other like-minded people and a group of amazing facilitators."


Cassandra Moss,

I thoroughly enjoyed exploring all the content shared during the EDE course, however diving deep into the social aspects was profoundly interesting for me. The best part of the experience was being able to practically use the skills we learnt in our project groups and with the wider community. 


Gianluca Palmas,

I love to compare my experience to a magnetic or electric field where I, as a human being, feel safe and seen and with all the tools and knowledge in hand enabled to just be there, in trust, upright, present, and

able to increase my capacities in facing the struggles in life, on earth that I see for me. I came out of it with more courage, that’s what I mostly felt lacking of beforehand.

The EDE ‘24 at Glarisegg was a life changing experience. I traveled across the world from Australia with just enough information to trust that this course was right for me. What I didn’t expect was it would transform my

understanding of myself, others and the world around me, in such a way that upon returning to Australia, I now

carry myself in the world in a whole new way. The story of needing to heal the earth has been retoldto me. Rather than problems at its heart, I now see a world where healing oneself, and reconnecting to others will allow us all to reconnect to the earth;

creating systems that are life centric and driven by growth of living things, rather than inequitable economics.

I am profoundly grateful for all of the community of participants, assistance and trainers who guided me on my EDE journey. The EDE has changed me. Change

which didn’t happen to me, but happened through me. This is an experience that I will carry with me in every

word, every relationship and every interaction.

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Adrian Black,


Hasibe Akin:
Permaculture garden on the rooftop of a shopping mall in Istambul, Turkey:

Paul Hofmann:
Akademie für angewandtes, gutes Leben:
which joined other people for co-creating the huge community project, that puts selfsuffiency in a very high range in the Black Forest in Germany:

We offer direct experience in a supportive learning environment to practice collective skills in working groups of varying sizes.
Are you ready for an adventurous experience?

By clicking Apply you will be redirected to our application form and the application process will begin. 


Contact us for information and subscription 

Ecovillage Design Education Course 
Creating a Transformative Culture    
Schloss Glarisegg - Steckborn, Switzerland

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  • Facebook - Weiß, Kreis,

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